Catechism of the Catholic Church
Why We Need to Learn About the Catechism of the Catholic Church
The catechism is the official doctrine of the Catholic church--a legitimate tool in the service of the church alliance and a definite norm for the teachings and dogma of Catholic faith. The following is a recording of the first pillar of catechism, which is ‘on God’s will’.
Pillar 1: What We Believe
Pillar 1 discusses what we believe as members of the Catholic Church.
KGK pilar ke 1, Pengakuan Iman-Allah Bapak May 20, 2022 bersama Romo Effendy Sunur SJ
KGK pilar ke 1, Pengakuan Iman-Jesus Kristus June 17, 2022 bersama Romo Effendy Sunur SJ
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KGK pilar ke 1, Pengakuan Iman-Akhir Jaman Sep 16, 2022 bersama Romo Effendy Sunur SJ
Pillar 2: Sacraments
Pillar 2 discusses the sacraments.
Pillar 3: Jesus' Life & the Ten Commandments
Pillar 3 discusses Jesus' life & the Ten Commandments.
Pillar 4: Prayer
Pillar 4 discusses the importance of prayer.