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Our community is comprised of volunteers focused on several ministries. 
To participate in a ministry, please contact the ministries below.

Liturgy & Worship

Mass Texts & Sacristy

The liturgy and worship ministry assists in the preparation and organization of the Sunday Masses. 


If you are interested to volunteer or know more about mass, contact us at


The liturgy ministry rotates the schedule of our EM, lector, and ushers. More volunteers would be appreciated.

You can find the team during our mass times. We would personally welcome you to church, anyone is welcomed.

Music Ministry

The music ministry provides music services for masses, prayer groups, and special events.


You are welcomed to join if you are interested in playing music or joining a choir group.

Altar Service

The altar service ministry provides altar services during mass. We offer altar service training for teens and pre-teens.

If you are interested to learn on how to serve as Altar Boy or Altar girl, please inquire for altar service ministry at

Spiritual Ministry

Deepening of Faith

Our team consistently delivers the Deepening of Faith program once a month, which may also be known as faith study, bible study, or simpy sharing our faith. A Chaplain will lead the study. â€‹


If you are interested, please contact one of our ministry to join our WhatsApp Communities or head over to our Facebook page.


Catechism is the teaching of the Catholic faith, usually taught to those who are interested in learning how to be a Catholic. A Catechism in Bahasa may be offered by request.


If you are interested, please inquire at or visit the Catechism page here.

Rosary & Divine Mercy

Rosary and the Divine Mercy holds a special place in our Spirital Ministry. We hold the prayers once a month, usually on the first Saturday of the month at 5 pm PT. 


If you are interested, please contact the ministry or join our WhatsApp Communities. 

Praise, Worship, Retreat, 

Spiritual life is key to strengthening our bond with the Almighty. Through praise and worship we glorify Him, and through recollection and retreat we traced our steps to make sure they align with God's will.


Join our mailing list and social media to keep up to date with our Spiritual ministry events. 


Teens, Pre-Teens & Sunday School

KKIOC is proud to have a wonderful team dedicated to Children ministries​Children 

from preschool to 6th grade can join Sunday School during mass. Pre-teens and Teens are involved in various volunteering programs. 


Contact the ministry at for more information or join the Kids & Teens WhatsApp Group. 

Young Family

Any parents with young children are welcome to join us! We provide social and spiritual activities that serve as a platform for relationship-building with God, and fellowship/friendships with other Catholic families.


If you are interested, please contact the ministry at

Young Adult

Our young adult consists of college-age youth. Our young adult leader is bilingual and plan separate events for Young adults. We invite young adults to join the young adult groups for upcoming events.


Follow our Young Adult Instagram for more updates on IC Youth SPB - Young Adult.

Senior Group

KKIOC thrives through the supports from our seniors and for our seniors. Our community ministry are dedicated in making sure all seniors feel welcomed and have a part to play in our community.


If you are interested to join our Senior WhatsApp group, please contact the ministry and join us for a get-together after 4th week of mass.


Sick & Illness Prayers

Catholic church offers the Sacrament of Annointing the Sick. Whether you or loved ones need the sacrament or simply need a strengthening prayer, our ministry can help you schedule a prayer group or a visit from a Chaplain. 


We would like to hear from you and welcome newcomers on a personal level. If you are new to KKIOC, make sure to let one of the user knows and we'll get in touch with you. You can also send us a message through Contact Us form or email

After Mass Gathering

Join us for a gathering after mass every fourth week of the month at the Hall of St. Philip Benizi. Food will be served for everyone as we celebrate the month's birthdays,  anniversaries, and other celebrations.​


KKIOC can help you schedule a Catholic prayer for bereavement support or schedule a bereavement service with a Chaplain.


Please contact the ministry for more details.

Social Activities

KKIOC organizes several social activities and gatherings.

If you are interested in attending, please visit the KKIOC Facebook page or check out the Events page. 

If volunteering, please contact the ministry at
+1 (562) 551 6200.


Social Channels

KKIOC posts events, mass info, and other updates through our social media channels. Click the link below to follow us:​




Zoom & WhatsApp

Our ministries utilize WhatsApp as the main source of communication and dissemination of information and events. Some of our faith events are held online via zoom.


If you are interested, please contact related ministries or email

Newsletter & Mailing List

KKIOC communicates mass info, monthly gatherings, events, bereavement prayers, and other news from other Indonesian Community in Orange County through mailing list. â€‹


Click here to fill up a form to register to our mailing list or send an email to


(562) 551 6200


235 S. Pine Drive

Fullerton, California 92833

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© 1998-2024 KKIOC.

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